The term “Organic Architecture” is not new. In fact, it essence goes back half a century. Frank Lloyd Wright introduced this expression and turned it into a famous architectural philosophy harmonizing human dwelling with nature by exploiting its core principles. The other term synonymous with organic habitats is “Bionic” — a unique concept of developing human colonies inspired by a “Perfect Source” which incidentally is nature.
So, how does one sum up this design philosophy? Architects India Answers
It is a set of design and material principles which fulfils the needs of human and also adheres to the laws of nature. It is a place which offers human beings a sense of belonging, a secure shelter, provides basic amenities well as social and spiritual ecstasies.
Is organic architecture stylistic and aesthetic?
This is a highly debatable question. One school of thought believes so while the other has a different perspective. As mentioned above, it is a philosophy which coerces architects to construct spaces and even dress it up using natural materials, blending its design and form with nature. In that sense, style and aesthetics are secondary. What is important is the unification with nature.
Architects Mumbai – Their interpretation of fundamental rules of organic architecture
Shape of Things –
Decades ago, most architects and designers built spaces and furnishings inspired by nature, although unknowingly. This trend changed over a period of time. The radical and unnatural form factors peaked by the end of 20th century. However, the new millennium is witnessing a reversal. Designs are once again seeking the blessings of nature in terms of shape. Just like inorganic designs even organic patterns follow principles which are rationale, motivating and easy to adopt by human beings.
Building Raw Materials –
Not many realize that nature is seamless in appearance despite its large size. It is an amazing accomplishment. Every element of nature seems interconnected, cohesive, in spite of their profoundly different physical attributes. Architectural firms in India have an answer for this — intelligent breakup of geographies, elements and creative blending of boundaries. The same strategy is used in organic architecture. Wood, straw, bamboo, waxes, natural oils and colors, stone and plants are exploited to bind human habitats with nature, and also make it a part of it.
Dedicated Spaces –
Organic materials are great when it comes to merging habitats with nature but, what about human needs? Unlike nature, Homo sapiens exploit different spaces for different functions. Bedroom, dining hall, living room, balcony and bathroom are some of the sections within a single, organized frame. Organic designers and best architects use nature as a source of inspiration. These divisions are seamlessly fluxed. Just like nature, the interiors sport large open spaces for that sense of freedom, floor to ceiling glass panes for brightness and buoyancy, and materials & furnishings that erase the feeling of compartmentalization.
Conclusion –
It may sound contradictory but organic architecture and design must also offer protection against the fury of nature. So, in a sense, blending and yet remaining detached requires some creative and calculative mind. Ask top architects in Bombay and they will agree without blinking an eye. The idea is to build an ecosystem which exploits natural materials, natural shapes, offers relaxing ambience and spiritual joys. Most of all, every element should complement, support and merge seamlessly, just like flowers in a garden.